Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ghostwriter - [RJD2]

Within the next week or so, I'll be writing my first reviews, one for Brand New's Daisy, one for Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest and possibly a review for Phoenix's Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. The reason why I chose these albums to be reviewed were for the following reasons:

1) They have all come out within the last six months so I wouldn't be necessarily be reviewing outdated releases (with Grizzly Bear's and Phoenix's albums approaching that timeframe)
2) All three of the albums I've listened to mulitple times
3) I feel like I can write each review with weighed praise and criticism and can accurately detail the nuances in all three albums.

I look forward to writing these reviews and I hope that you enjoy reading them.

Yours Truly,


  1. What's with the lack of productivity? I'm reading the reviews of this blog over and over.

  2. Do you like fish sticks?

  3. Are you implying that he's a gay fish? That South Park reference is so passé.


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